It is possible to reduce the production of organic waste by paying attention to food waste. Do you think that the collection of this type of waste, which in Tivoli takes place three times a week for domestic users, and every day for restaurants and pizzerias, can be reduced by half if you are careful to optimize what we have in the pantry? using it for cooking and, in the case of catering users, proposing the so-called doggy bags. For some years now ASA has been carrying out an initiative called “Take it home, food is not thrown away”, precisely to encourage the consumption of leftover food. Another initiative launched some time ago by the Municipality of Tivoli to reduce the volume of waste and recover it by turning it into something useful for the planet is domestic and community composting. 

In this way we are able to make this type of waste a raw material in the very hands of the waste producer, i.e. the citizens. Since 2016, community composting has also been introduced from the point of view of law in Italy and in Tivoli it is managed by ASA which thus allows even those who live in condominium contexts to produce their own compost directly with organic waste from their own kitchen using these electromechanical composters, retracing the process that is done in home composting for those who have a garden. Those registered in the domestic and community composting register can also enjoy a 30% discount on the variable part of the TARI (the waste collection tax).


Francesco Girardi